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  • Writer's pictureEmily Smith


Always try your best at everything, or else you'll never know what you're truly good at. Be completely genuine and honest with people, people will always appreciate honesty, even if it hurts at first. Careful of who you open up to, not everyone has your best interest in mind. Decisions can be important at times, but not always, go with your heart and it'll make everything easy. Everything happens for a reason, you being late, that job you were forced to take, that date you really didn't want to go on, all happened to get you where you're meant to be. Forgiving is different from forgetting, always forgive people for the sake of your happiness, but don't forget what they did, for the sake of protecting yourself. Get yourself outside, not every second needs to be spent staring at a screen. Happiness is the only contagious thing you should be eager to catch. If you're generally unhappy doing something or being somewhere, then stop doing it. Just because people make it look cool to be miserable and hate everything, doesn't mean that's a good way to go about your like. Kind people are everywhere, you just need to look for them. Lazy days should be spent outside in the summer reading a book you actually like, trust me, it's one of the most underrated things. Mondays can be made better by coffee and sweatpants. "Never" "Hate" and "Love" are the 3 most overused words in the dictionary. Only use them when you mean it. Please remember that tomorrow is never guaranteed, and that goes for everyone around you too. Questionable places and people really should be avoided. Right people may not always be the people you pictured yourself with, don't let other peoples' opinions hold you back from happiness. Sleeping in is sometimes overrated, wake up at 9 and don't waste your day!!! Two things that need to be earned; trust and respect. Unless your life depends on it, don't stress it. Very few people in your life will be willing to go distances for you, don't overlook these people because they are few and far between. When it's 2 am and you're still studying for that test, just turn off the light and go to sleep. X's are your X's for a reason, don't go back, move forward. You're only as good as how you treat people. Z is a hard letter to think of advice for. Zest makes for a very interesting person. You have to learn how to tell people what you want or else you'll never get it. Xanthophobia is the fear of yellow and that is a great conversation starter. When you're embarrassed the best thing you can do is laugh it off and then cry inconsolably later. Very soon 'today' will become '30 years ago', appreciate being this young. U really will miss it. Time is a blessing and a curse, spend it don't waste it. Stop being so hard on yourself, you really aren't fat or ugly. Remember all of the good times when you're in the middle of bad times, it'll get better I promise. Quite honestly I have never once used anything I learned in biology since I passed the class, don't stress over one bad test grade, there are bigger worries that you'll come across. Probably very few people understand though, that you have to work hard to get anywhere in life, you will never get your dream job by coasting through life doing the bare minimum. Once you graduate here that's it, so don't get caught up in what people think about you here because it doesn't follow you to college. Now is the best time to do that thing that you've been waiting to do. Maybe it'll work out and maybe it won't, but at least you'll never have to wonder. Listening to music every morning can really change your mood for the day. Kindness should be payed forward. Just because everyone else is doing it doesn't mean you have to do it too. If you want to be happy, you can't put everybody before you all the time, you matter too!! Humans always out there looking out for you, learn to be dependent on yourself. Getting and achieving your goals is a great feeling, but you should always push for more and always push to be better. Freedom shouldn't be used recklessly. Everyone is going through something, some people just don't chose to show it. Don't be the one miserable person in a room of happy people, you'll stick out and bring everybody down. Count your blessings not your sorrows. Be grateful for what you have, even if you barely have anything at all. Always say 'I love you'.

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