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  • Writer's pictureEmily Smith

Indepent Re​ading Project - Fever, 1793

The year is 1793. Mattie Cook is 14 years old living in Philadelphia, helping her single mother run a coffee shop with her grandfather and her close friend Eliza. She should be out living like a teenager, thinking about boys and going out, boys like Nathaniel. But instead, she’s thinking about something else, the yellow fever. It started when one of the coffeeshops employees had it and suddenly died, and then it started appearing everywhere. Then one day, Mattie’s mom comes down with the yellow fever. Doctors fill her house, and begin to drain her blood as an attempt to cure her. Mattie’s mom demands that Mattie and her grandfather go to the country to get away from this terrible disease. On the ride there, the guards stop them at the border, suspecting that they’re victims of the fever. That night they’re stranded. One moment everything is completely fine, and the next Mattie begins to fall ill, and then everything goes black. Does she die of the fever? What happens to her family and the coffee shop? You’ll have to read this thrilling novel to find out for yourself.


I really enjoyed this book. I thought it gave an interesting perspective on a point in our history, as well as tell a well-narrated, intriguing story of a teenage girl living in that time. The author had a well-spoken writing style and used a great language. The story wasn't so detailed that you couldn't follow what was going on, but it also wasn't so dull that it put me to sleep every night. The storyline was really interesting up until the very end, including the cheesy Disney ending. All-in-all if any of you were interested in picking up this novel, I definitely urge you to do so, I think you'll really like what you read.

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